Best Diet Plans

First day of the diet Plans
• Morning: coffee or tea without sugar to taste. 
• Lunch : 2 boiled eggs, spinach without salt to taste. 
• Dinner: 1 large or 3 small grilled steak burgers, lettuce and celery at will.

Second day of the diet Plans
• Morning: Coffee or tea without sugar, 1 little milk. 
• Lunch: 1 large steak, lettuce, tomatoes and fruits at will. 
• Dinner: Ham at will.

Third Day of the diet Plans
• Morning: Coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small whole-grain bread 
• Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, lettuce and tomatoes will. 
• Dinner: Ham and green salad at will.

Fourth day
• Morning: Coffee or tea without sugar, 1 bun. 
• Lunch: 1 boiled egg, raw or cooked carrots, 1 piece of cheese. 
• Dinner: Fruits at will, 1 yogurt around.

Fifth Day
• Morning: Grated carrots, 1 black coffee or tea. 
• Lunch: fish in court bouillon, 2 tomatoes. 
• Dinner: 1 regular steak, green salad at will.

Sixth Day
• Morning: Black coffee or tea without sugar, 1 bun. 
• Lunch: Grilled Chicken will. 
• Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, carrots raw or cooked as desired.

Seventh Day
• Morning: Coffee or tea or 1 tea with lemon. 
• Lunch: 1 large steak, fruit will. 
• Dinner: Eating sensibly what we want (no alcohol).

Eighth day following the diet Plans ...
• Repeat the first day of the diet Plans up to 14 days. 
• After two weeks, if we stick strictly to the program, the weight loss should be around 9-10 pounds.