5 Top Foods for Flat Abs

Diet and well-planned exercise is sure to help you get flat abs. Of adequate food sources in the diet can help maintain a healthy metabolism and control the swelling belly. 

Here are 5 of the best foods to help promote belly:

Flat Abs


Apple is mainly composed of water (up 85%), which is beneficial to make you feel full. A large block size can be up to 5-grams of fiber. They also contain quercetin compound, which is known to help promote lung health, reduce cholesterol damage and fight certain cancers.


Berries are packed with fiber. A diet with a suitable number of fibers (20 to 30 grams per day) means they are less likely to absorb as many calories during the day. The berries are also rich in antioxidants. This may provide protection against some serious diseases like cancer. Antioxidants are also useful for the formation because of the ability to improve blood circulation. This means that the muscles are able to work more efficiently.

Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables are low in calories and for some help to reduce the size. A cup of broccoli has 50 calories, while a cup of spinach is 45 calories. This can help give up to 20% of the requirement of fiber per day. They are also appreciated for providing an excellent source of calcium. Green leafy vegetables can give an ideal fuel for the planned training.


The probiotic bacteria contained in yogurt is very useful for the digestive system. This is true in the sense of an apartment facing the stomach due to the smaller constipation, bloating and gas. In addition, obtaining the source of calcium necessary for yogurt helps tone in the region of the middle section.

Sea fish

Oily sea fish such as mackerel, tuna and salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. An adequate intake of these healthy fats can encourage the process of fat combustion necessary to improve the efficiency of metabolism. Seafood is also reported to help prevent cravings and slows the digestive system. It is also an excellent source of protein that is respectful of the stomach area.

In short, including a selection of food abs environment, it is certainly possible to get better results when it comes to tone the stomach and the related areas of the body. You must also plan stomach exercises to ensure you get the best results when combined with the consumption of healthy foods.